[IMAGE] laughing gull

…click to listen:

…about the music

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Yes, gulls have tongues.
And they laugh.
At me.

Composers are fragile creatures. We toil and stress over every note, every measure, every nuance of each phrasing mark.
This visage, in front of me as I strive for utter, unobtainable-but-yet-neurotically-necessary perfection,
is not especially helpful.

He doesn’t care.
He just laughs.
At me.
And waits.

It’s easy to be paranoid when one of these guys just won’t take no for an answer.
Everywhere I turn my gaze, there he is.
Laughing at me.

[IMAGE] gull

Looking at me.

[IMAGE] gull

Staring at me.

[IMAGE] gull

Occasionally trying to be coy, as if I won’t notice he’s there. But in his mind I know he’s laughing.

[IMAGE] gull

And, expecting table service.

[IMAGE] gull

The nerve.

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