[IMAGE] gull love

…click to listen:

…about the music

One bird’s effort pursuing the gull of his dreams.

[IMAGE] Gull love
Ok, I’ve gone all out. THIS is a great gift. I know she’s gonna love it!

[IMAGE] Gull love
Hey, beautiful: this is for YOU.

[IMAGE] Gull love
Uh, beautiful? Hello?

[IMAGE] Gull love
Hmmph. Man, I look like an idiot.

[IMAGE] Gull love
All right then: I’ll boldly take the initiative, and bring her proof of my love. And, my bank account. This stupid thing cost a fortune…

[IMAGE] Gull love
Yes! I got her to look! Success! She notices me! Ahem: I HEREBY PRESENT YOU WITH…

[IMAGE] Gull love
…THIS PROOF… OF… Wait! Where’re you going??

[IMAGE] Gull love
Whoa! Beautiful! Hold on! Come back! It’s your color and everything! [Geez, this thing is heavy. Next time I’m just getting flowers like the cheap gulls. None of this root-ball-o’-sincerity crap…].

[IMAGE] Gull love
Oh, bea-u-ti-fuuullll..?! Come heeeeeere?! I got this for youuuu… Huh? What? You like it? Really? Oh, wow… oooh… ohhh… mmmmm… you DO like it! Ahhhh….

[IMAGE] Gull love
(intentionally blurry for a PG-rated blog post)

[IMAGE] Gull love
And this is all I’m left with. She had her way with me. She took everything. Geez, I’m so, um, gullible… But the promise of love is worth it… sigh… well, at least I think it is?… maybe?… wait, how much did that thing cost…?

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