[IMAGE] Alex at the lens

…click to listen:

…about the music

An excerpt from a restful new release.

Despite all the beautiful beautiful beautiful things I see when I’m in the air,

[IMAGE] Mt. Rainier
Zipping past Mount Rainier… oooh…

[IMAGE] On approach to SJI
Approaching the narrow South Beach area of San Juan Island, with other isles in the background… aahhhh…

I’m celebrating being in the midst of a three month stretch during which my feet are not leaving the ground.

I sail and hike and kayak and scramble and drive around this beautiful beautiful beautiful place. When human visitors come to my doorstep, I take them along for the adventures.

And every day, when non-human visitors come to my doorstep, they take me on their adventures.

[IMAGE] Wind
Escher-esque: editing a twilight photo I had just shot of the eagle on the rock in front of me, while the eagle is on the rock in front of me.

[IMAGE] orca pod
A pod of orcas glides by my toes.

[IMAGE] orca breach
YIPPEE!!. Or something like that.

It’s hilariously distracting when I’m on a business call and these guys are hurling themselves out of the water in front of me (I will never get over my great fortune to work at a desk with this view, instead of, like, an airshaft). Sometimes I giddily describe the scene to whoever’s on the phone. And other times (during more, uh, professional calls), the person on the other end has no idea that as I’m oh-so-professionally discussing whatever professional bit of professional stuff we’re talking about, I’m silently going !!OHMYGAWD!! and clicking away on my camera. Sometimes.

[IMAGE] hummers
Also airborne are these folks. Except in the brief moments their teeny tiny feet curl around the feeder.

And then there are the land-based guests.

[IMAGE] fox
This fox comes around regularly, and has mastered the art of the marvelously pathetic, pleading stare. The aliens do their best to ignore him.

[IMAGE] fox
I can’t quite tell what he thinks about my music.

[IMAGE] fox
Until he comes to the door and reports to me in no uncertain terms exactly which notes I need to change.

So, that’s this week’s chamber of commerce visitor tourism overview. Stay tuned for more Island Adventures with Al!

[IMAGE] grader
Yes, I AM behind the wheel of a road grader. Don’t even ask… is that the theme to Green Acres I hear?

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