…about the music


Greetings to all, and here’s to a great week ahead. With this special view, mine started yesterday (for those who think of the week beginning on Sunday. I’m of the Monday camp, myself). I kayaked out to what I gratefully refer to as my front yard, Turn Island, a wildlife refuge just steps and a few paddle strokes from my house. Above is a lovely succession of immersed kelp, a temporarily un-immersed outcropping, and a nearby atoll, as seen from Turn’s northwest shoreline.

The air really smells like… air!… here, and the visuals in all directions are overwhelmingly distracting. Up: island after island, a dormant glacial ice-covered volcano, and a constantly shifting water surface on which some of the strongest currents in the world wreak havoc, stop, and then begin again. Down: clarity so stunning that you can’t help but stare into the depths as you silently glide over rocks and creatures on the sea floor. And for those who think the Pacific Northwest is only about clouds, take a gander at the solid blue. No color correction, folks.

Gilligan would have loved it here.

Headed over to Turn. Mt. Baker is on the right, and in “real life” looms about four times larger and very bright white. I am a mere amateur photog… but remember what you paid to read this blog 🙂


Ahhh…. a view out to the southeast and a couple of tiny private islands, with the snow-capped Olympic mountains (which my camera did not manage to capture) in the far distance toward the right.

Groves of treasured Pacific Madrone, aka Arbutus trees, frame the view out to Lopez Island.

If this isn’t enough to inspire more music as I finish my upcoming CD, Alextronica, I don’t know what is. The hardest part is making myself stay indoors in my studio! All those years in sunny So Cal meant taking glorious weather for granted, knowing you could get out any day you wanted. Up here, there’s a definite summer season. My temperament has always been one of seizing the moment and not letting opportunities slip by. So maybe my work will just go a tad slower than I had anticipated for the next couple of months, as I take full advantage of why I moved up here in the first place. Carpe Kayakum!

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