…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a clip from my bassoon sonata, “Of Breath and Touch,” to accompany this lone sailboat.

This was tonight’s sunset. Blue, pink, filled with the mysteries of expanse and solitude. Our skies are beginning to swirl once again with the overture of a large incoming storm set to hit in a day or so.

The sailboat here has been experiencing the joys of expanse and solitude all winter long. For months now, it has weathered each storm anchored securely, or, I suspect, moored to a hidden engine block set in the sea sand ages ago for knowing visitors. Its luck has been excellent; you can see dramatic photos of a larger and less fortunate boat in the January archives of this bloglet.

I have yet to witness anyone dinghy on or off of the vessel, and I wonder who its owners are and where they live. But it’s been charming to view this lone visitor every day, and when she’s gone I think I’ll miss her. Not only does she remind me of my own boat in Santa Barbara, but more keenly, she reminds me of what it is to be alone at sea, in peace.movies donita dunesmovie release dvd dateswholesale movies distributors dvdthe elektra movieerotic clips moviefoot fetish moviesfree animal moviesfree samples movie deepthroat Map

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