"...The program opened with the disarming elegance of Alex Shapiro's Introspect. The composer evoked a luminous, impressionistic sound world that belied the sparse medium of [four] string instruments."
Keith Paulson-Thorp, ComposerUSA
Introspect was written at the end of a year that brought some welcome self-reflection regarding loss and the persistence of hope, and I think that this music surveys some of that private emotional terrain. Beginning in relative stillness, the piece unfolds with solemn tones that lead to lyrical interchanges between grief, melancholy, and shades of promise. Elegiac in many ways, there is something left unanswered in the music that balances precariously between deep sorrow, resolute acceptance, and uneasy calm.
Introspect, page 1 |
Introspect, page 5 |
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