Archive for 2006

The morning after

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a little of “Chakra Suite”.

These two look like they’re recovering from quite a party, if you ask me. Nothing like spending a sunny day with a good friend, letting it all hang out. Ahhhh.

Friday kelp blogging

Friday, April 14th, 2006

Ok, I simply can’t resist. I mean, what are the chances of someone putting together an animated music video (of the absolute highest quality!) about… kelp??

100 percent, apparently:

I Love Kelp Song

Finally, thanks to the band 7 Seconds of Love, my blog now has a theme song (since apparently I’ve been too busy to write one myself).

As you can see in the photo, it’s storming again in Malibu. Big clusters of kelp have been pulled up from the offshore beds and they decorate the sand, like weird furniture. A feast for the environment, as it disintegrates over time and feeds all sort of little bugs and critters. Beach salad! Yum!

But back to music: the talented folks of 7 Seconds of Love are also responsible for the hit tune that has haunted my consciousness ever since my first hearing (Charles and I have been known to jump around the house singing it…. a true sign of musical success):

Looking for my Leopard Song

Yes, yes, that’s right, the classic hit, “Looking for my Leopard.” (Friday cat blogging, now in computer animation music video format). As with all of Rathergood/7 Seconds’ offerings, completely bizarre and frighteningly catchy. Oh, and ridiculously cute, especially if you like demented, wide-eyed kittens with an attitude. The kind of thing that you see the first time and think is, well… uh…crap, and then can’t get out of your brain for months afterward. Enjoy. Or curse me, whichever.

Surf totems

Monday, April 10th, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a movement from my string quintet “Current Events” titled “Surge,” to underscore this photo of art’s fragility.

Occasionally on my sandy walks I come across some remarkable man-made items. Most are remnants of kids’ toys or dog fetch accessories (tennis balls are a reliable artifact here). My kitchen windowsill sports a nice collection of forgotten miniature action figures that have washed up over the years, offering their gallant shields, swords, and overall machismo to anyone who cared enough to bring them home. I feel considerably more protected with each omelet I make.

But today was a treat of true art: totems. I have seen such sculpture here before, and am always charmed by the mystery of who might have spent the time to patiently stack each limb and rock so that it would balance against the will of the shifting winds. As I stood and appreciated these three, pictured above, I caught sight of a gentleman a few yards away who was bent over in concentration, carefully selecting materials for his next creations around the cove bend. If you squint, you can see him on the right in a blue shirt.

As I passed by, I thanked him for his gifts; turns out, he’s a stone mason named Eric Pierson who works on some very beautiful homes in the neighborhood. But I suspect that the simplicity of natural art is his favorite pursuit. We chatted for a few moments and he reached into a plastic bag. “Here’s a gift,” he smiled. “Crystal, all through it; this one has some powerful energy.” And he handed me a beautiful rock he had just found, about the size of an orange and as heavy as five. He didn’t know that I, too, collect very special rocks from this beach. Or maybe somehow he did.

It sits on my kitchen windowsill, with a couple of daring action figure conquerors crawling atop it. My next omelet is going to be a good one.02 trackback 01 from buy viagraabout all viagrasildenafil citrate viagra 5adult add tramadol andacyclovir link viagra79 00 tramadol cheaptramadol mg 50 depression tramadolonline view buy xanax u 5 Map

Live dangerously

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a little dangerous music.

Here in the officially designated Rock Slide Area (see how official this sign is?), the rocks keep tumbling down… that sign doesn’t lie! Especially after these rains. On the beach, the cliffs have a very different profile every couple of days, and several impressive and heavy piles of rubble now adorn the small space between mean tide and the vertical bluff. In lower Malibu yesterday a rock slide on Pacific Coast Highway snarled traffic so badly, I was thankful to only have to make it to my local market.

I do find something amusing about these precariously perched signs. I’m glad, for aesthetic reasons, that they’re not any larger, but frankly you have to get pretty close up to the cliff that’s so dangerous just to read what the sign says. Could be the last thing you see!

Snowy Egret on a Rainy Day

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a clip from one of my jazz tunes, “Rain Walk”.

One of the many great things about working at home is our freedom to tromp down to the shore at any given moment. Today’s moments were all wet and rainy, to varying degrees of intensity. Foggy and alluring, the damp outdoors beckoned and Charles and I were the lone human visitors to the muddy sand. This snowy egret was there to greet us, his surroundings as white as his feathers. He faced the incoming roar of the tide with anticipation for any incoming lunch products it might deposit by his yellow-toed feet, and didn’t seem the least bit concerned that we might vie for his winnings. The three of us stood in the rain together, with the thrill of Big Weather bearing down on us. Water, coming from all directions. Wonderful.

We hiked south along the tide line to our beach cantina for mid-day reinforcements of appetizers and Chardonnay. I returned to my writing desk invigorated, ready to attack the current project that has something to do with a baritone sax. But first, I wanted to share these damp moments with you.bullock nude sandra moviescenes whipping database moviesmovies sex adultanimal movies bigmovies bjnude celebrity moviesgirls filipina bar moviesmovies fingeringsex free celeb moviesmovies free gay boymp3 4400 salvationmp3 619 booyakamp3 4l jackymp3 64 2010 90 543×3 mp3 crazymp3 45 colt afroman622 mp3 paul balochelyn 4lyn mp3 Map

Alone at sunset

Sunday, April 2nd, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a clip from my bassoon sonata, “Of Breath and Touch,” to accompany this lone sailboat.

This was tonight’s sunset. Blue, pink, filled with the mysteries of expanse and solitude. Our skies are beginning to swirl once again with the overture of a large incoming storm set to hit in a day or so.

The sailboat here has been experiencing the joys of expanse and solitude all winter long. For months now, it has weathered each storm anchored securely, or, I suspect, moored to a hidden engine block set in the sea sand ages ago for knowing visitors. Its luck has been excellent; you can see dramatic photos of a larger and less fortunate boat in the January archives of this bloglet.

I have yet to witness anyone dinghy on or off of the vessel, and I wonder who its owners are and where they live. But it’s been charming to view this lone visitor every day, and when she’s gone I think I’ll miss her. Not only does she remind me of my own boat in Santa Barbara, but more keenly, she reminds me of what it is to be alone at sea, in peace.movies donita dunesmovie release dvd dateswholesale movies distributors dvdthe elektra movieerotic clips moviefoot fetish moviesfree animal moviesfree samples movie deepthroat Map


Thursday, March 30th, 2006

A few footsteps up the path from our house leads you to the edge of the bluffs, from which you can face up the coast (see the header of this blog for that view), or spin on your heels and look down the coast, as I did a couple of days ago when a storm was getting ready to wander in. This photo is currently spanning the 17 inches of my powerbook desktop, and I wish you could see it that large. Better yet, I wish you could see it in person.

I think days like this are the most exhilarating of all; the air is charged, and there’s the anticipation of not knowing just which patio chair may go flying in which direction (hey, there ain’t nothing between us and the Pacific, so the winds can be fierce). It feels exciting and great and alive and intriguing and dangerous and thrilling and real. The sky is at its most compelling, with constantly shifting balances of dark and light which double their efforts in the colors reflected in the ocean. I will never get over just how stunning this expanse of sky and water is, and how in turn it opens the expanse of something unspeakable within me.11th mp3 hourmp3 fruit 1910 companykeep 1983 mp3 smilingmp3 150 mcsmp3 1108 thugzmp3 120 varkensmp3 1913 massacremp3 1984 incubus Maploans customers amoneamerican tn knoxville loans home dreamsbush budget numbers allan sloan100 ltv wholesale loansnsw housing aboriginal loansstudent acpe loan alaskaalpha loan omega paydaysignature $15k loans Mapmovies slutmovies fucking free hardcorewith movies nuditypretty movies sapphicmovies xxx homemovie corpse brideclips movie free fuckingmovies sex public Map

Stay up late

Monday, March 27th, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a clip from my flute quartet, “Bioplasm” to accompany this view across the bay.

This is one of the great joys of going to bed at sunrise.
No color correction was used on this photo. Because none was necessary. Unless you don’t like living in Technicolor®.

Friday cat mousing

Friday, March 24th, 2006

What is it about humans that we insist on putting weird fuzzy objects in front of our cats and expect them to be impressed? I don’t think Smudge believes for one moment that this is a mouse. Just look at that nonplussed face. Could be the faux-leopard print that just put it over the top.

Meanwhile, a foot and a half away here on the studio floor, Moses is having a nice stretch and snooze. And in a few hours when dawn arrives and my work night ends, so will I. I think I’ll use the bed instead.

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Gee, a long shot

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a movement from “At the Abyss” titled “Reflect,” to accompany this very reflective photo from Australia.

I know, I know: I’ve been a little slow on the blog draw this past week. Apologies. But 1. I figured that the two rainbow pics I offered would be plenty to tide you over for a while (I never tire of looking at them or of thinking about what it was like to sit there and enjoy the spectacle last week), and 2. darn, it’s quiet out there! I actually have no idea if anyone’s been checking into this pixelsonic bloglet recently (other than some creative spammers, whose sales pitches I gleefully delete). Don’t be shy about leaving a comment, if only to encourage more of this posting-happy behavior on my part.

And speaking of encouraging behavior, my percussionist pal Rick Kvistad, responsible for a great photo of the Hayman Island area in the Great Barrier Reef (below, under “Guest Spot”), has sent yet more evidence of the utter beauty of the southern hemisphere. I had dropped him an email to see if he had made it out of the area prior to the devastating cyclone, and he replied that his timing was fortunate and that he’s now in the south in the Melbourne area. Along with the email came this wondrous feast for the eyes and spirit of the bay near Geelong, which I share with thanks once again to Rick. Anyone else hankering for a guest spot on this blog is welcome to email me a photo or two at the contact address on my website. All donations cheerfully accepted; one can never have too much beauty.

The view from my toes

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a movement from my “Evensong Suite” titled “Phos Hilaron,” to accompany this rainbow.

These photos say it all; there’s nothing for me to add. Date: this past Sunday. Location: curled up in a wide-slatted Adirondack chair on the sand in front of the Paradise Cove Beach Cafe, bottle of very good Chardonnay close at hand. View: straight out SSE to the Palos Verdes Peninsula, which is the most southern tip of the Santa Monica Bay. Misc: Charles and I had just returned from our usual walk to the Bay’s most northern tip, Point Dume, and settled in for a late afternoon cocktail just in time for the show.

In the second photo, the setting sun opposite the peninsula reflects its fiery light in the window of a house. And that house happens to be in the center of the rainbow from our vantage point. Poetic. I wonder who lives there, and whether they felt anything different during those moments.

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Positively negative

Sunday, March 12th, 2006

…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear some of the second movement from my “Sonata for Piano” to accompany this photo overlooking Paradise Cove on a stormy Saturday.

We’ve been having weather here in L.A., and the sky is filled with the anticipation of negative ions breezing around my skin. As I was leaving late this morning I just had to stop to snap this expansive scene over Paradise Cove (that’s our neighborhood restaurant there on the sand just below our house, where I’m found any time either of us is too lazy to cook). The grey clouds to the left became considerably darker as my trip progressed.

Scheduled to speak on a panel discussion at a new music festival at Cal State Fullerton, I had a long drive ahead to the southeastern edge of Los Angeles. What would have normally been a tedious and dreary journey was quite the opposite. Through the windshield and the sunroof, I could gaze at impossibly black-grey, ominous clouds that threatened to burst open at any moment and yet somehow held their liquid. The drama on all sides was ten-fold what you see here; the hues of the clouds were so dark that I began to search for the beginnings of funnel movement. Had I not been on a stultifying series of unforgiving freeways, I would have stopped to take even more dramatic photographs. It was that beautiful. Today was one of the very few times in a year when I would have been pleased for a long road trip across this bizarre metropolis to have taken even longer than it did.viagra and alpha blockerstramadol inurl acetaminophenviagra wp 11 2006 trackbackviagra 12 trackback 2006 wp2006 viagra trackback 10 wpfeb online daily statistics viagra 2003site com guest tramadol abel booktramadol cod accepted Mappayday 4 about loan apr 6payday loan loan 4 personalloan payday 40 link401 loan k limitlculator 8 loan mortgage 29 faxing loan no 9 paydaypayday loan auto 9 13payday 9 loan payday Map