[IMAGE] bald eagle

[IMAGE] bald eagle

…click to listen:

…about the music

Music to glide by.

I’m pretty sure that if anyone watched me just outside my studio, they would have no idea that I’m a musician, and instead assume that I’m a photog for National Geographic or something. I am almost never without my Big Camera With The Long Ass Zoom Lens; a paparazzi lying in wait for feathered and pawed celebs that lurk in my ‘hood.

Of course, much as those of us with honkin’ digital project studios are always jonesing for the newest, latest hardware and software, well, now I can add to my addiction: I am seriously wanting a Bigger and Even More Long Ass zoom lens. This is just too much fun, especially because I have no clue whatsoever what I’m doing. I liken myself to a dog dancing on its hind legs: it’s not that it does it well, but that it can do it at all.

[IMAGE] bald eagle

These are certainly not great shots. I ain’t gettin’ no naturalist photo gigs out of this point-and-shoot portfolio. But the pleasure I get from stepping outside to the deck or shoreline many times a day and shifting my concentration from all the sonic chaos in my head, to the visual serenity that surrounds me, is the most amazing “second job” I could wish for.

[IMAGE] bald eagle

[IMAGE] bald eagle

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