[IMAGE] Pacific coast ship wreck

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…about the music

Illumination, from all sources.

The lighthouse at Lime Kiln is one of this island’s best loved spots. Between sightings of Orcas, Canada, the Olympics, Mt. Rainier on a clear day, and tourists with a serene smile on their face, there’s plenty to see, framed by bright auburn Arbutus trees whose orange bark glows neon in the setting sun.

I think I’ve felt a little bit like a lighthouse this past week, informing others of what lies ahead. The topic in my case hasn’t been rocks that might sink someone’s vessel, but rather, tools that will help their professional ship stay afloat and find a great harbor. If you’re curious about the power of social networking (and since you’re connecting with me by reading this, you may well be), here’s a piece I wrote for Molly Sheridan’s ArtsJournal blog, Mind the Gap. There are plenty of thoughtful entries and comments on this subject if you swing over to the main page, too.

There’s no sense in cursing the darkness, when we can all find our own light.
At least, as long as we have electrical power and the internet!

[IMAGE] Pacific coast ship wreck

[IMAGE] Pacific coast ship wreck

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