[IMAGE] goose family outing

[IMAGE] cormorants

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…about the music

Honk if you like music.

Well, a few posts back I showed you my ducks in a row, so it’s only fair that I now share my latest feathery water visitors and their excellent sense of alignment. The cormorants tend to stand guard at many of the ferry terminals and closely watch (or, ignore entirely) the large, car-laden vessels as they pull in and out of the dock. These guys were perched in Anacortes last week.

The brand new goose family glided past me in one direction earlier today, and then returned on the same path in the early evening. Maybe they’re teaching the kids about the commuting life, in the hopes that they’ll find a good paying job somewhere.

Between my home and my studio, I’m finding the commuting life quite rewarding, and will write much about it very soon on this spot of pixels. This new pattern appears to help me keep my ducks, geese, cormorants, and any other water fowl in a row nicely and delineate my manic-in-happy-kinda-way work life with my home life (one which is definitely not manic but nonetheless quite happy). In fact, there’s so much new stuff to show you kelphistos out there, that I guarantee you will be overloaded (and possibly overwhelmed, in the best of ways) by some upcoming posts and pix. Posts that have yet to be written, of course, because I’m in the middle of three pieces, two upcoming trips, and a bunch of other general life stuff that has precluded my blogging time. Not for long– there’s too much to share, and one thing I never seem to have trouble with is finding time to pick up my camera and point it at something. I’m just a regular quackpot photographer.

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