April 24, 2011
Ahhhhhh. Over time, I’ve posted quite a number of sunsets here from my living space, so I thought I’d share a lovely one from a couple of days ago, taken with my iPhone as I sipped a little wine at a friend’s place about five minutes up the road.
This summer will, as always, be bringing more San Juan Island Certified kelp to these pages. And possibly, more sunrises rather than sunsets, as well. I’m off tomorrow on another 10-day jaunt to a couple of cities in this great music-loving nation of ours, and when I return, fire-orb orientation-related details will be forthcoming. Ahhhhhh…
Same glowing orb, framed by different, glowing trees.
Lane Savant said,
April 24, 2011 @ 11:57 am
That is a very nice order.
Alex Shapiro said,
April 24, 2011 @ 11:59 am
Thanks, Doug!
Glenn Buttkus said,
April 28, 2011 @ 3:59 pm
Dreamy and subtle imagery of a scrumptious Salish sunset on Easter’s Eve as you sip white wine in the company of friends but focus your gaze north where the last ray of neo-light blinks off and three stars hail you, right there where all that is on your island busies itself plowing emotional furrows, and planting seeds for future compositions–from that loose piece of tin banging on roof of your shed, to the gentle lapping of waves, to a flock of blackbirds hanging out on your power line like boys idle on the corner, talking openly about your sexuality, to the mournful cry of a fox at 2 a.m., to the cacophony choral conflict as the night birds give up the stage for the morning warblers; and now you are mid-trip somewhere, and the northwest weeps copiously in your absence, keeping the sun breaks to a minimum, as even Lady Rainier hides from us, saying, “No full frontal shots until Alex gets back.”
Listening to your “mystery music” @2:30 filled me with the need to sow something.
Alex Shapiro said,
May 5, 2011 @ 6:44 am
Well, it was red wine, but I’d say your tableau is quite lovely. Damn good thing crows can’t talk!