…info about the music

The Prelude from my “Evensong Suite,” in a gesture of thanks.

This gull has much to be thankful for, since Americans chose a different, if equally common, iconic gourmet avian for the annual holiday. As a pescaterian (vegetarian, but regrettably for the finned ones, fish are still involved), birds are safe around me no matter what the occasion.

T-Day was spent in quiet beauty on the sand at our cozy Paradise Cove Beach Cafe, with the waves pulling out to a revealing low tide. This fellow, among about 50 of his closest personal friends, loomed on the umbrella above our heads hoping we’d turn away from our plates just long enough for a sneak attack dive bomb. No such luck here; we know the game too well. Surprised shrieks from new visitors at nearby tables, however, raised his hopes for snagging a calamari or two.

Welcome to Thanksgiving in Malibu.

There’s a fantastically long list of realities in my life for which I’m thankful. I’m keenly aware that the list can become shorter in an instant. Cherish everything, now.

I have cherished this place for many years and it’s been a privilege to be able to live here. It’s an amazing and rare thing to be able to choose to leave one paradise, in order to live in yet another. Perhaps one or two percent of the residents of this planet can say that their lives are filled with utter happiness. I give thanks, constantly. This is my favorite holiday.

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