[IMAGE] whales and sails

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…about the music

Through the archipelago.

These simple photos from a little July 4 jaunt from San Juan to neighboring Lopez Island, tell the whole story.

It was very calm.

Awoke at home to a pod of orcas just past the deck.
Headed down to the dock.
Loaded the sailboat (quite similar to the one in the above photo) with getaway supplies:
dinghy (in case a getaway was needed),
freshly grown salad greens,
wild salmon for the boat grill,
red wine,
and Swiss chocolates that came from a real live Swiss friend who visited last week.
Oh, and good coffee for the morning, too.

[IMAGE] Olympics across the Salish
Looking west to the Olympics, while sailing south.

It was very calm.

We glided across the water, sometimes at 4 knots
and more often at less than 1.
More time to talk to the passing seals or birds.
I’ve always been a stop and smell the kelp kind of sailor.
And, apparently, a protégé of Dr. Doolittle.

[IMAGE] dinghy
The dinghy followed like a cute puppy.

It was very calm.

And as twilight arrived,
it was

[IMAGE] view from port
Anchored with plenty of room at Fisherman’s Bay, as seen from a galley port.

Until it wasn’t.
When all that calm
was interrupted with colorful
reflected brilliantly in the water.

[IMAGE] fireworks

And the next morning?
It was even calmer.

[IMAGE] Orcas and Shaw
Looking east toward Shaw and Orcas islands.

So calm, in fact, that we had to do what sailors
to do.
We turned on the engine.

We must have known there was a party waiting for us back at the house, and didn’t want to be late:

[IMAGE] orcas

The scene was exactly as it had been left, with the ironic commentary of a little sailboat
by a little powerboat.

[IMAGE] orcas

But only when it comes to photos. I am grateful for the whales, the sails,
and the very,
calm quiet of this island summer.

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