…about the music


Another business trip, another thrilling puddle jumper flight! Returning home yesterday afternoon from my stint at the National Performing Arts Convention, I was welcomed by a spectacular summer day and a perch perspective even more so. It’s impossible to take this flight without my camera clinging to my palm, and my heart clinging to my throat. In a very, very happy way.

In the leftish-middle of the above photo is the wooded peninsula on which my little house rests, and the small wildlife preserve island that I claim as my personal front yard each time I kayak to it with a few short paddle strokes. Beyond to the east looms my volatile buddy, Mt. Baker. Should it ever decide to erupt, baking is precisely what its neighbors would be doing. For now, just like my own kitchen abilities, it sits blissfully dormant. Having returned from an energizing conference teeming with inspired peers, I sit here anything but.

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