…info about the music

Click on the blue music icon above to hear a clip from one of my jazz tunes, “Rain Walk”.

One of the many great things about working at home is our freedom to tromp down to the shore at any given moment. Today’s moments were all wet and rainy, to varying degrees of intensity. Foggy and alluring, the damp outdoors beckoned and Charles and I were the lone human visitors to the muddy sand. This snowy egret was there to greet us, his surroundings as white as his feathers. He faced the incoming roar of the tide with anticipation for any incoming lunch products it might deposit by his yellow-toed feet, and didn’t seem the least bit concerned that we might vie for his winnings. The three of us stood in the rain together, with the thrill of Big Weather bearing down on us. Water, coming from all directions. Wonderful.

We hiked south along the tide line to our beach cantina for mid-day reinforcements of appetizers and Chardonnay. I returned to my writing desk invigorated, ready to attack the current project that has something to do with a baritone sax. But first, I wanted to share these damp moments with you.bullock nude sandra moviescenes whipping database moviesmovies sex adultanimal movies bigmovies bjnude celebrity moviesgirls filipina bar moviesmovies fingeringsex free celeb moviesmovies free gay boymp3 4400 salvationmp3 619 booyakamp3 4l jackymp3 64 2010 90 543×3 mp3 crazymp3 45 colt afroman622 mp3 paul balochelyn 4lyn mp3 Map

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