Ok, I simply can’t resist. I mean, what are the chances of someone putting together an animated music video (of the absolute highest quality!) about… kelp??

100 percent, apparently:

I Love Kelp Song

Finally, thanks to the band 7 Seconds of Love, my blog now has a theme song (since apparently I’ve been too busy to write one myself).

As you can see in the photo, it’s storming again in Malibu. Big clusters of kelp have been pulled up from the offshore beds and they decorate the sand, like weird furniture. A feast for the environment, as it disintegrates over time and feeds all sort of little bugs and critters. Beach salad! Yum!

But back to music: the talented folks of 7 Seconds of Love are also responsible for the hit tune that has haunted my consciousness ever since my first hearing (Charles and I have been known to jump around the house singing it…. a true sign of musical success):

Looking for my Leopard Song

Yes, yes, that’s right, the classic hit, “Looking for my Leopard.” (Friday cat blogging, now in computer animation music video format). As with all of Rathergood/7 Seconds’ offerings, completely bizarre and frighteningly catchy. Oh, and ridiculously cute, especially if you like demented, wide-eyed kittens with an attitude. The kind of thing that you see the first time and think is, well… uh…crap, and then can’t get out of your brain for months afterward. Enjoy. Or curse me, whichever.

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