[IMAGE] llama and cows

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…about the music

¿Cómo se llama?

The first time I saw geese gliding along on salt water, I was surprised. I had only thought of them in the context of lakes and the like. The first time I saw deer balancing on the damp rocks of a tide pool, I was surprised. I had only thought of them in the context of grassy meadows and the like. And here, another moment of my surprise, when I first saw a llama hanging out in a field of cows. Those familiar with the island know…

[IMAGE] llamas and cows

…that there are actually two llamas on this bucolic property.

Until seeing this, I had only thought of llamas in the context of other llamas and the like.
In South America!
Camelids and Bovines, together in harmony.
Didn’t Rodney King plead, “Can’t we all just getta llama?”

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