August 21, 2010
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
From the depth.
And perhaps I too shall sleep
happily exhausted from life
my body
splayed atop rocks and memories
of where saltwater ran
and tides crawled
a sprig of kelp
to my thigh like an eager lover
and you to my psyche
ashore by the push of the unseen
and at peace.
James Murray said,
August 21, 2010 @ 10:29 pm
Lovely and wistful. Brave little ochre star.
Glenn Buttkus said,
August 22, 2010 @ 12:31 pm
Wow and wowzer, congrats on the poetics. Certainly did not have to tinker with
this, as it emerges full blown from the fertile creative mists of the San Juan
dervish, Alex of the Salish. It is fascinating to consider that rather than
coming back as another babe, to try again, we can consider the Zen
alternative, and be a tree, a boulder, or an ochre starfish. Loved also to go
DEEP @ 1:55, ever the place of peace, swaying to the cello like the kelp
of your dreams.
Alex Shapiro said,
August 22, 2010 @ 12:49 pm
Thanks! I could not get over how utterly completely vividly can’t-ignore-this bright purple that creature was. And, how exposed to the sun at low tide. I’ve never seen one so intensely purple before (I used no color correction in the photo). I would be pleased to go through my next life with that kind of paint job. For now, I’ll just have to wear colorful shirts.